A form of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture treatment is not only one of the major naturopathic medicines but is as well a successful remedy for healing numerous types of pain and health issues. Even acupuncture in Collingwood is gaining rapid popularity as the most practical and effective alternative methods to approach for, in terms of well-being and healing. Its complete process, involving the use of needles, heat and pressure at various points of the skin, has been now scientifically proven to have shown positive healing. Thus some of its health benefits are as follows –
1. Lower Back and Neck Pain Relief:
Acupuncture in Collingwood and as well in other locations, is mainly approached by individuals with lower back and neck pain. Even studies have shown that people suffering from chronic back pain and arthritis have found the method to be a miracle remedy.
2. Insomnia:
Acupuncture treatment when combined with other conventional remedies can benefit those struggling with sleeping issues. The process enhances a body’s natural capability to produce more melatonin – a hormone that is required in sufficient amount to successfully regulate the sleep-wake cycle in a person. A research that was conducted in 1999, proved that the therapy can help people with anxiety and HIV.
3. Enhances Digestion:
Although many believe that acupuncture is solely meant for curing various types of pain, it also works great for someone with digestive issues. The therapy has the ability to reduce inflammation of the stomach and pancreas, improve digestive functions and to provide long-term symptomatic relief.
4. Uplifting Mood:
The treatment is known to provide effective relief to patients with depression and fluctuating mood by curing any of its root causes – real-life worries, chronic stress, imbalanced hormonal issues, prolonged anxiety and etc. With the help of the needles, the central nervous system is stimulated so that a person’s mood can be lifted by releasing endorphins and other chemicals into the body.
5. Blood Pressure Control:
This ancient medical practice is known to improve heart function and blood flow. So regular treatment will not only allow the cardiovascular system to achieve optimal functioning but will as well result in normal blood pressure, healthy heart muscles and complete sense of cardiac fitness.
6. Migraine Relief:
In acupuncture treatment in Collingwood, the specialist carefully inserts needles near specific nerves to offer the patient a wonderful pain-reductive effect. Doing so also releases endorphins (a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system for a number of physiological functions), resulting in relief from recurring migraine and headaches.